lunes, 23 de enero de 2012

My Chinese Horoscope

I love the Chinese horoscope!!!! I believe than is very truth and this I like it! In the Chinese horoscope I'm snake and according to horoscope, the snake is very intelligent, graceful and materialist...  I'm not so materialistic but I like live good, not necessary have to live with things very expensive... I try to be graceful sometimes I succeed jajaja and I believe that I'm an intelligent woman.
What I like of the snake is that it is analytical to solve problems and likes to live in peace and I don't like is that is jealous and a few obsessive.
This is not me; I hate people jealous and obsessive.  I believe jealousy is the worst thing for a relationship. I think this is the only thing that the snake does not represent me. Hardly  ever I have been jealous.
My boyfriend is dragon in the Chinese Horoscope and He's not my compatible animal but our love is great although He’s very temperamental like a dragon good and that's why we fought sometimes. Despite this He's a beautiful person very special for me because whit He has taught me much. I like ours relationship is very funny I never get boring with him... I like the dragon but I like most much the snake!!

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